Sunday, May 17, 2020

Kant s Principles Of The Metaphysics Of Morals - 1719 Words

An Analysis of a Few Elements in Immanuel Kant’s Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals Immanuel Kant offered a reorientation on how the established questions of metaphysics can be resolved. He claimed that man’s mind constructs human experience and that reality must agree with the mind’s notions, in contradiction of the view that the mind is a reflection of reality. His interpretation was that the mind is capable of actively creating experiences instead of passively being shaped by reality. Kant further believed that man possesses an objective knowledge of the universe. A priori laws were the basis of this knowledge; but, questioned its possibility. His assertions specified that the subject provides the laws that create the experiences of objects and that these laws were a priori laws that man holds about all objects prior to man’s experiences about them. To understand these laws, Kant investigated man’s experiences, specifying those which are given by the mind apart from those which were provided by instincts. He further argued that moralit y is derived from reason and this reason is the origin of man’s morality, which he referred to as the Categorical Imperative. According to Kant, if this categorical imperative is defied, man becomes irrational and immoral. His logic consisted of inducing from people’s daily sensible knowledge of morality, which he referred to as practical reason, into metaphysical understanding. As Kant attempted to reorient anShow MoreRelatedEmmanuel Kant and Moral Theory1589 Words   |  6 Pagescontributions to moral theory is the concept of pure practical reason that, as an alternative to moral sense theory or teleological ethics, more positively views the capability of fallible individuals to act morally. 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